Top 16 Things You'll Only Find In America

Top 16 Things You’ll Only Find In America

Top 16 Things You’ll Only Find In America

Every country has unique characteristics and the United States is no exception. From the good (like showing enthusiasm for college sports) to the bad (think: drug ads) to the ugly (we’re looking at you, spray cheese), here are 16 things you’ll only find in America. (Only Find In America)

Obsession with college sports

In most countries, the general public is not interested in the extracurricular activities of university students.

In the United States alone, thousands of people will gather to watch students play a game, often hosting follow-up events before the game and arranging for high-profile interviews with the athletes afterward.

Drug ads

Along with New Zealand, the United States is one of only two countries to show pharmaceutical ads on television.

This means that instead of a doctor telling a patient what medications to take, Americans often ask medical professionals about specific brands.

Excessive patriotism

In the US, residents are proud to be Americans, a point they make clear by singing the national anthem before sporting events, having schoolchildren pledge their allegiance to the flag each morning, and placing flags outside their homes and even in their cars. Understandably, this excessive patriotism can come across as weird at best and creepy at worst.

Same day online delivery

For some distant countries, the concept of fast online delivery is nothing more than a myth. In the United States, almost anything can be ordered online and delivered in a business day or two.

As if that convenience wasn’t hard enough to understand, some companies offer same-day delivery service in select US states.

Spray cheese

Exactly what it sounds like, spray cheese is a cheese product with a texture similar to whipped cream packaged in a spray can. In good news for the rest of the world, it can only be found in the United States.

White bread

Tourists are in luck (or surprised) when they try white bread for the first time. The American invention is sweeter than other breads and has been compared to cake by non-natives.

For Americans, a sandwich on white bread is a fairly simple meal, but for tourists it’s a unique dining experience worth trying.

24 hour shops

Convenience is king in America, making the country’s 24-hour convenience stores and drive-thru royalty these places. Whether you’re looking for an ATM, groceries, or even a wedding chapel (really), America is open for business 24/7.

‘How are you?’ as a greeting

Visitors may be surprised when everyone from cashiers to sales clerks say “how are you?” Confusingly, Americans use the phrase to communicate “hello” rather than an actual question about the state of your well-being. An answer is not required here and you may even meet with the surprise of the local if one is provided.

Kids pets

Pets have a special place in many cultures, but only in America are furry friends treated like family members. The pet industry includes day cares, apparel, spas, and more.

Dog bags

You’ve heard of America’s legendary food portions, but what’s less well known is the concept of “doggie bags.”

Many Americans don’t polish their plate when served a meal large enough for two. Instead, they will be given a ‘doggie bag’ or to-go container, to take leftover food home.

Since portion sizes are generally more manageable outside of the US, this concept doesn’t exist in many other places.

Indulgent Meal Combos

Speaking of food, Americans are known for their delicious food combinations. Think ice cream, floats, peanut butter, banana, bacon sandwiches, and sweet potatoes topped with marshmallows. You won’t find many of these weird concoctions outside of the US.


In many European countries, tipping is not a common practice. However, tips from this side of the Atlantic are expected, but not often explained.

What is the correct amount or percentage to tip? Who gets a tip? Why should a client be expected to pay someone else to do their job?

Here’s some information: There’s no guide to getting along in the US, but the most memorable travel experience is something you’ll only find in the US. (Only Find In America)

169 million unused vacation days

Business Insider reported that in 2013, Americans squandered a whopping 169 million vacation days, and nearly half of working Americans didn’t take a single day off the following year.

This is not easy for anyone to understand, especially tourists from countries with a healthier work-life balance. (Only Find In America)

Confusing currencies

For a country so obsessed with wealth, the United States has one of the most confusing currencies in the world.

Here, the coins are called by arbitrary nicknames rather than their numerical denomination and come in sizes that are inappropriate for their values. (Only Find In America)

Throw peanut scraps on the ground

This is a difficult question to explain. In certain places in the United States, such as baseball games and theme restaurants, it is customary to throw peanut shells on the ground. There is no real reason behind this practice and it baffles even some natives. (Only Find In America)

American black friday

While many countries recognize Black Friday, the shopping holiday that occurs the day after Thanksgiving in the US, American Black Friday only exists here.

Unsurprisingly, Black Friday has become bigger than the national holiday that precedes it, with some Americans lining up to shop for deals since Thanksgiving.

In addition to unfathomable lines, American Black Friday features shopper fights, car accidents, and downright terrifying mob scenes.

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