Best 8 Benefits of Gabion Walls
Hello friends, today we like guide you about the Benefits of Gabion Walls. Gabion is derived from the Italian word gabion, meaning “large cage.”
It refers to an ancient wall-like structure in Egypt around 7,000 years ago. At that time, the wall served as a fort that protected the banks of the Nile from floods.
During the Middle Ages, early gabion wall models became military fortifications for troops engaged in warfare.
By the 1800’s, gabions were used extensively by the civil engineers to stabilize banks and beaches as well as control erosion.
Modern Gabion Walls
Modern gabion walls are erected th primarily to help stabilize the soil behind them. However, they can also be used as the cover walls.
Gabion baskets made of galvanized hexagonal mesh and filled with broken rocks are commonly used to construct most gabion walls.
Depending on the how high you want the wall to be, these can be placed in one or several rows. The baskets are closed on all sides and have a cage-like shape, which is why gabions are sometimes called gabion cages.
Benefits of Gabion Walls
Gabion walls can be made in a variety of sizes and colors and can provide you with the following:
Soil erosion prevention
This is the main reason for the construction of the gabion cage. In case of a flood, the stones filling the wall absorb the force of the water and dissipate it, effectively protecting area. Gabions are also theĀ practical and effective way to keep your land dry if you have a stream or pond nearby.
Environmental protection
You can make the gabion walls more eco-friendly by using recycled materials. Since the filling is made from readily available materials, there is no need for concrete or similar aggressive materials that may affect the environment.
In addition, the original gabion wall design allows flood water to flow through them to prevent flooding. This makes gabions friendlier to the environment.
Reinforced Structure
Although it may not seem like it at the first glance, one of the benefits of gabion walls lies in the wire mesh itself. It forms the basket or the cage of the wall, reinforces the overall structure, and is stronger than it seems.
The mesh becomes even stronger as the wall ages due to the vegetation and silt that collects between the fillings over time. For this reason, creative people have also made gabion baskets as bases for benches and tables.
- Breathing Space
Gabion cages are porous and are designed in such a way that they leave space between the stone fillers. The design allows air & water to flow through the structure, allowing it to breathe.
They contrast impermeable concrete walls, which allow hydrostatic pressure to accumulate, resulting in structural instability.
Gabion walls have stood the tests of time since they were first built on the banks of the great Nile River. This is a testimony to their resilience and durability.
While they may shrink or deform under extreme stress, these walls will not break. This functional feature prevents the walls structural integrity from being compromised and makes it stronger over time. (Benefits of Gabion Walls)
Easy Installation
Building a typical gabion wall can be completed in a day if you do enough research and have all the necessary tools and materials.
Assemble the baskets, prepare the ground so they can lie flat, and then fill them with any filling you want.
The key is choosing flattest pieces of rock or stone you want for the sides. Many fills the center of the wall with cheap filler such as concrete and save any right-angle pieces for the corners.
Gabion walls made of wire mesh are cheaper than concrete and can be easily assembled. It is also possible to source fill, such as stones and broken concrete, locally and often at a lower cost.
Labor-wise, the costs can be eliminated if you’re willing to build the wall independently. The only exception is when you plan to place the gabion cage higher than normal. In this case, a professional should be consulted to ensure safety.
- Aesthetics
Gabion cages are beautiful and easily blend in with the surrounding environment when made of natural materials.
In this regard the stone blocks are often chosen for their aesthetic qualities, but you may consider other fill materials of varying sizes, colors, and textures. (Benefits of Gabion Walls)
How long do gabion walls last?
One of the advantages of the gabion walls is that they are intended to be used as the permanent structures.
However, their longevity will be depend on the environment on which they are kept. Generally, the life expectancy of these retaining walls is 10 to 75 years.
Nevertheless, factors such as salt water, acidic soil, freshwater and industrial run-off can affect the long-term durability of the structure.
Also, some of the gabion types are more compatible with the certain environmental conditions than others. For example, PVC-coated gabion cages can be used in acidic and freshwater environments.
Customized stainless steel gabion walls, meanwhile, are often ideal in areas with salt water. These gabion models can effectively protect shorelines and serve as solid and permanent structures that blend perfectly with the environment. (Benefits of Gabion Walls)
Advantages and Disadvantages of Gabion Wall
Many of the benefits of gabion walls can be seen along the coast, where they are placed to prevent erosion or divert water flow.
They can be made from inexpensive materials and are easy to construct when given the correct and complete tools.
Because these walls are porous, they can retain soil or serve as drainage to other areas. Their wire mesh is flexible and durable, so you can expect the cage not to fray easily.
In terms of drawbacks, the construction of gabions can be labor-intensive. Filling the wall with stones, gravel and broken cement is tedious. This is especially true if you only use hand tools like shovels and wheelbarrows.
Besides, building attractive gabion walls takes hard work and requires a creative mind. Many gabions need to look better in a garden or yard because they have that heavy industrial appearance.
Important achievements about Benefits of Gabion Walls
The early Egyptians used gabion walls to prevent floods when the Nile overflowed. Today, that vital function is resurgence as many gabion cages are manufactured to serve as drainage channels when heavy rainfall occurs.
However, gabion cages have other uses and purposes. This includes being an attractive piece of a house, which can be done if the appropriate filling materials are used.
Yet, it is in ensuring the smooth flow of water that the benefits of gabion walls are best seen. During natural disasters like floods, these artificial fortifications can prevent water from damaging your property, so you won’t have to deal with restoration problems.
Hope you like our article on Benefits of Gabion Walls.