5 Factors Affecting Water Damage Restoration Cost

5 Factors Affecting Water Damage Restoration Cost

5 Factors Affecting Water Damage Restoration Cost

Water Damage Restoration Cost – Water damage brings a destructive force those results in various secondary problems that can affect your home and property.

Often, this is caused by conditions such as HVAC leaks, indoor plumbing overflows, clogged gutters, and faulty appliances (e.g., water heaters). If water damage occurs in your home, it is important to get repairs done immediately.

Water damage can cause everything in your home to be submerged for an extended period. If left untreated, water damage can worsen and cause bigger problems like mold growth and damage to walls. On top of that, your water damage restoration costs will inevitably fluctuate.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Water Damage Repair

The extent of water damage can be misleading when viewed on the surface, as water potentially seeps through deeper parts of your property. At such times, calling water damage restoration services solves immediate problems and minimizes future complications.

Due to the water’s nature, the damage cost can vary. Let us take a look at some of the factors that will affect water damage restoration costs.

Water Damage Restoration Cost

  1. Size of the affected area

The larger the damaged area, the more expensive and time-consuming it will be to repair. A larger area will also require more de-humidification before actual restoration work. Likewise, more extensive damage will mean that more material repairs and replacements will be required.

Generally, more workers will be needed to fix an entire floor or room than damage to a few square feet. However, other factors on this list could play a role in causing a small area to suffer more extensive damage than a large area.

  • Water Type

The type of water can vary from clean to dangerous. Dirty water requires more care and treatment, leading to higher water damage restoration costs.

Water Damage Restoration Cost

There are three categories of water based on the level of danger:

Category 1: This category includes relatively clean water that is not inherently dangerous to you or your pets. It can leak from sanitary sources such as faucets, toilet tanks, or water pipes. It can also come from melted snow. Although Class 1 water is not contaminated, it can still harm your home.

Category 2 includes used water, such as washing machine water or dishwater overflow. Although it does not contain sewage, pollutants are still present. If left standing

Category 2 water may contain bacteria, which moves it to Category 3.

Category 3: Often referred to as “black water,” this category includes harmful Asbestosis, bacteria, and sewage contamination. It often comes from sewers and even severe flood water. Unfortunately, any item exposed to water in this category is less likely to be salvageable.

  • Presence of water

If there is still water on the site, remove it immediately. To do this, experts use special equipment such as water pumps, moisture-absorbing materials and dehumidifiers to clean the water before they can begin the restoration process.

These conditions prolong the mitigation process, which increases water damage restoration costs.

  1. Type of Content Affected

Water damage restoration costs vary depending on the material affected. This is because different materials react to water in different ways.

To elaborate, let’s take flooring as an example. Regardless of the extent of the damage, some floors may be easy to replace in parts, while others require complete replacement.

Water Damage Restoration Cost

Here’s a look at how different types of flooring react to water:

Vinyl and linoleum flooring

This flooring type is generally water-resistant. Instead of replacing the entire thing, you may need to remove individual vinyl flooring sections to see if the sub-floor is damaged.

Laminate Flooring

Initially, replacement of this type of floor is in small patches before dismantling the entire thing and starting again.

Compared to other floors, laminate flooring needs to dry quickly, or it will be easier to dry once water gets beneath the surface. Fortunately, installing this floor is easy and affordable.

Hardwood Floors

This floor exhibits damage more quickly than other flooring types, depending on how well they are protected. Hardwood floor repairs can be done individually if the damage is not extensive.

Ceramic or Stone Tile Floors

These floors are highly water resistant. As long as the water doesn’t reach the sub-floor, minor damage and little repair are needed. It is imperative to ensure that the tiles are well-grouted and sealed. These floor options cost more to install than other types of flooring.

Carpeted Floors

Carpets can usually hold a lot of water before reaching the point of water damage. However, water-soaked carpets must be dried thoroughly to prevent mildew growth within the carpet.

Drying carpeted floors requires special techniques and methods. However, carpets exposed to Category 2 water require replacement, while Category 3 requires the replacement of both the pad and carpet. It’s best to leave it to the experts to ensure safety and cleanliness.

  1. Mold Growth

One of the worst consequences of water damage in homes includes mold and mildew. These substances can cause further damage to your home and can also be a health hazard.

 Excess moisture must be removed from the damaged areas to prevent them from developing. Once mold growth occurs, mold mitigation services serve as an additional step to water damage restoration, which means more cost to prevent further hazards to your health and home.

  1. Time since the occurrence of water damage

Water damage that goes untreated over a long period leads to more serious problems. Such problems often have a more widespread impact calling for more repairs and higher bills.

In addition, mold and mildew could develop, requiring a different set of repairs. That’s why addressing water damage immediately serves as your defense against further damage.

Water Damage Restoration Cost

What is the typical cost for water damage restoration?

In general, water damage restoration will cost between $2700 and $7500. Of these, the average cost of water damage restoration is $5100.

It costs about $2700 to dry clean water-damaged areas. On the one hand, water damage restoration for materials such as carpet and drywall costs an average of $7,500. This includes de-watering, drying, cleaning, decontamination and sanitation.

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