Interview Guide for F1 Student Visa for USA

Interview Guide for F1 Student Visa for USA

Interview Guide for F1 Student Visa for USA

F1 Student Visa for USA Interview Questions: While entering a university in the United States is a pleasure, the excitement is often dampened by the prospects of a visa interview.

Students across the country swear by grueling sessions with the visa interviewer and how all their plans can go in vain if the person rejects the application. Well…all true, but at the same time, there is nothing to fear.

The interviewer is not assigned the target of rejecting applications! Their sole purpose is to validate your reasons for moving to the United States, and in no way are they intended to thwart your American dreams – unless the invention constitutes illegal living in the United States!

It is essential to understand that while the visa interview is integral to your US student visa application, it is by no means the longest.

In fact, on average, a US visa interview will last around 3 to 4 minutes (sometimes even less). And contrary to common beliefs, the visa officer will not check all your documents. They only ask for a paper on the rarest of rare occasions.

As a rule, visa officers do not ask for any documents. Although you are recommended to always carry them with you, it is essential to note that you should not present your documents unless asked.

This guide clarifies some misconceptions about visa interviews, providing basic dos and don’ts and a list of frequently asked questions to guide you on how to best answer these questions. Give it too

Remember, there are no rules here. Like any interview, every interview is bound to be unique. What remains constant, however, is that the key, like in any discussion, is confidence and intention.

Preparing for the day of the interview

Things you need to know before going for your US Student Visa Interview:

Like any interview, it is a formal conversation between two or more people – the interviewer and the interviewee. And, like any interview, you have to prepare for it too.

So, before you start preparing for the questions or worrying about the interviewing officer, here are some things you must do. Remember, doing your homework is the key to success…

Prepare your file—with every possible document neatly listed and marked

Although you will not be asked for any documents, it is essential to ensure that all documents are filed and recorded (see the upcoming list of documents to be carried during the interview)

Go through the admission essay or SOP you have submitted, a complete list of universities and courses you applied for

What kind of credit system is in the period you enrolled for, tenure, faculty, and course highlights – revise why you chose that particular university.

Read about the state you’re visiting, the history of the university, and nearby locations.

Go through your financial documents to understand how you will pay for your education in the USA.

Documents to Carry for Your US Student F1 Visa Interview

There is a list of supporting documents required for each application. In the case of an F-1 visa interview, the key documents cover your personal information, educational background, professional papers, and financial records.

It is always recommended to be ready with all the documents. See the complete documents required for the US Student F1 visa interview.

Dressing for Your F1 Visa Interview

Any interview starts when you come face to face with your interviewer. And the first impression is often known from your dress. So before D-Day, think carefully about your wardrobe and keep the following things in mind.

Tip 1: Keep it formal but don’t overdo it

Formal attire for men includes a formal shirt and trousers; for girls, it can be the same as traditional Indian dress, such as a simple saree or salwar kameez.

Remember, don’t choose girly outfits or outfits that don’t match the season. For example, you don’t need to wear a full suit if your interview is in the hot month of June. Instead, choose a simple formal shirt and trousers.

Tip 2: Choose Light or Solid Colors

Avoid fluorescent colors. Instead, choose pastels when the interview is in the summer or a solid color when the interview is in the winter.

Avoid shaded clothing as they distract

Tip 3: Minimal Accessories

It’s essential to keep your accessories to a minimum

Danglers, long necklaces, and bangles that aren’t strict for jingle women

If you have to accessorize because of religious beliefs, please keep it to a minimum – for example, anklets that don’t make noise are advised that you should wear them

Men are advised not to wear heavy bracelets or chains that dangle

Tip 4: Make sure your clothes are clean and well ironed

Waiting for your interview can take time, so you are advised to wear clothes that don’t wrinkle easily.

Needless to say that your clothes should be neat – messy clothes attract unnecessary attention and are not acceptable.

Tip 5: Make sure you don’t smell: either good or bad!

While it’s essential to wear deodorant or mild talc to ensure you don’t smell, it’s crucial to avoid strong colognes or perfumes.

The visa officer may be allergic to it, and you wouldn’t want him to sneeze during the interview or, worse… be uncomfortable about the smell.

Tip 6: If you have glasses in your passport, wear them

If you have a picture of glasses on your ticket, be sure to wear them

You can wear contacts if it is otherwise!

Do’s and Don’ts During US F1 Visa Interview?

Like in any interview, there are some things you should do and then some you shouldn’t. Most of them are related to each other. We have tabulated this:

Worth doing


Smiling brings confidence. There’s no reason to look serious. It was your dream to go to the USA for your studies, and you are close to it. There, you have a reason to smile…

Speak in English

Communicating in English is one of the primary requirements for pursuing education in the United States. You must be able to speak English.

Look at the interviewer

Not making eye contact is considered a sign of dishonesty. Practice at home and look at the interviewer while answering questions.

Move your documents

Always ensure that the file you have is complete with all the required documents and is appropriately listed so that if you are asked to submit a copy, you have it ready.


To get upset

Your primary intention in traveling to the United States is to study, and there is no reason to panic about it. Thousands of students around the world do this.

While it’s natural to feel a little nervous, sweating or hyperventilating is not a good sign. If you get restless, do some breathing exercises before you start the interview to keep your nerves calm.

Speak English with a forced accent

The visa officer can understand the Indian accent, so try not to throw out an American accent. Be as clear, crisp, and without loud accents as possible.

To stare out

Looking into the eyes and staring continuously without blinking are two different things. Constant staring can make the interviewer uncomfortable – remember to blink while talking.

Offer your document unless asked.

The visa officer, in all likelihood, will not ask for any documents. Please don’t offer to show it to them (unless they want to see something).

Commonly Asked F1 Visa Interview Questions with Answers Tips

F1 Visa Interview Questions and Answers: We cannot say this often enough – every interviewer is different, and there are no set questions they can ask. However, the intent of the interview is quite simple:

One to understand your intention – whether it is to settle in the USA or study and come back

Two, and more importantly, to assess whether you can afford your stay in the USA

Based on simple understanding, here are some sample questions that can be asked and suggestions on how to answer them. (Student Visa for USA)

Why have you chosen this particular university?

Tip: You should check your university’s website and handbook carefully. Write some highlighted features like world ranking, research facility, faculty profile, alum profile, etc.

The visa officer wants to know the reason behind joining the particular university. Also, because I got admission only from that university is not acceptable.

University selection should not come across in such a way that it does not matter from which university you have passed. You must be excited to go to that particular university. (Student Visa for USA)

  1. Which universities did you apply to (both admission and rejected)?

Tip: The visa officer wants to know if you are serious about your education. Even if you applied for four and were accepted in 1 and rejected in 3, honesty is the only way.

Be honest about which universities you have chosen at. Be confident about the selection process you will follow and briefly describe as possible, suggesting how you were pleased with the acceptance.

For example, I shortlisted four universities and applied based on my specific course requirement. It was among my top two choices, and I was lucky to get admission. (Student Visa for USA)

Where did you complete your graduation?

Tip: Mention the name of the course and university. If the university has a high ranking or distinguishing feature, mention that. Keep it crisp and to the point. (Student Visa for USA)

Who is sponsoring you?

Tip: If you have a scholarship to study in the USA, say so. Otherwise, mention the name of your sponsors; you can add that your father and mother support you in your higher education as per the financial documents. (Student Visa for USA)

What does your father/mother do?

Tip: The Visa Officer wants to verify the financial capability of the sponsors. You are advised to carefully review your sponsors’ Income Tax Return (ITR) and supporting documents.

Have a good idea of ​​the sources of income of your father, mother, and anyone else sponsoring you. Also, don’t just suggest that he is in business or service. Be very clear about the nature of their work and their specific role. (Student Visa for USA)

For example:

He is the Senior Branch Manager, SBI, Delhi Branch.


She is a professor at the University of Hyderabad; she teaches Mercantile Law.

  1. What is the income of your father/mother/sponsor?

Tip: The visa officer will want to know if your sponsor’s annual income is sufficient to cover your study abroad expenses.

They think that money can be put in banks, but annual income is a testament they rely heavily on to determine the student’s sponsor’s ability to meet educational expenses.

You must state your annual income for your I-20 as per the IT return filed and submitted to the university. (Student Visa for USA)

How many brothers and sisters do you have?

Tip: These questions verify if you have other family members for whom your parents may have to raise money later.

Such questions are asked to evaluate the family’s balance of income and expenditure. (Student Visa for USA)

Do you have any relatives in America?

Tip: Be truthful in this instance. This (about your brother/sister/mother/father) will have a complete record with the visa officer. If your distant aunt or uncle lives there, you don’t need to talk about them.

All that matters is your immediate relative, i.e., your brother, sister, father, or mother. Any of your relatives staying in the United States longer than the legally permitted stay is not considered favorably. (Student Visa for USA)

Why don’t you do this course in your country?

Tip: You must know what difference the course will make if done in the USA instead of India. If the system is not available in India, you can tell the visa officer that it is not available in India.

If the same curriculum is available in India, highlight the differences in the quality of education and curriculum structure in India and the United States. It would help if you convinced the visa officer that taking this course from the USA would add value to your profile.

Talk about some of the research being done in that area. Technical terms work when other things don’t. (Student Visa for USA)

  1. What will you do after completing MS/MBA/UG? Tell me, how can you prove you’re going to come back?

Tip: Say so if you intend to work after completing your course. Tell them you are looking forward to working with some companies in India.

It would be good to mention the names of some companies. If you were working, you could say you have an offer to join your previous organization after completing your education.

If you are willing to continue your education and do research, mention that as well. But do indicate that your family is still in India and that you would like to return to them once your academic pursuits are over. (Student Visa for USA)

  1. Why study in America?

Tip: The visa officer wants to understand your intention to visit the USA. As you apply for a student visa, all you need to talk about is how the USA provides quality education that will help you bring the best of the world to your country.

Focus on highlighting the available infrastructure, research, and methodology of teaching. Instead of the country, try to focus on the university and the curriculum that is only about education. (Student Visa for USA)

Have you got any scholarships? Why has the university given you a scholarship?

Tip: You should know how many scholarships you can get and probably the reason why a university is offering scholarships. Your visa officer will want to see if you are aware of scholarship programs and financial aid.

Also, if you have submitted any statement of purpose for the scholarship, mention it and keep a copy with you. (Student Visa for USA)

  1. Have you got any loans? How do you plan to repay your loan?

Tip: Reply about the loan you applied for and from where you got it.

Also, to repay it, suggest that after graduation, you are confident of finding a good opportunity in India and are fully intent on repaying it with your income. Please do not suggest I pay off the loan with a part-time job. (Student Visa for USA)

  1. Will you be back home on holidays/holidays?

Tip: The visa officer will want to assess your relationship with your country and family. You can say that you plan to come back to India to meet your family and friends.

It would help if you did not say that you plan to work in the USA because it shows that you are not financially strong and are going there to earn money.

This will give the visa officer confidence that even after you have completed your education, you would like to work in the USA and try to settle there.

In addition to the above, the visa officer may ask questions about your academic percentage, your sibling’s education and jobs, and your current job.

Remember, you need to be confident about your objective – education in the USA- and satisfied that you can afford it.

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