Mesothelioma Trust List

Mesothelioma Trust List

Mesothelioma Trust List

Mesothelioma Trust checklist Seeking compensation for asbestos-related injuries


Mesothelioma, a devastating cancer caused by exposure to asbestos, has affected countless people around the world. As a result, the asbestos companies set up several trust funds to compensate victims and their families. These Mesothelioma Trusts provide financial support to individuals diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases, including: mesothelioma. In this article, we explore what mesothelioma trusts are, their purpose, and the importance of understanding the options available. By becoming familiar with the Mesothelioma Trust Checklist, you can more effectively navigate the compensation process and seek the necessary financial resources for medical bills, lost wages and other damages.

What is the Mesothelioma Trust?

The Mesothelioma Trust was set up by companies that had filed for bankruptcy following: numerous asbestos-related claims. These trusts were established to compensate current and future victims of asbestos-related diseases, including: mesothelioma. These funds are managed by a trustee who oversees the distribution of funds to eligible claimants according to established criteria.

Purpose of the Mesothelioma Trust

The purpose of the Mesothelioma Trust is to ensure that victims of asbestos exposure receive compensation for their injuries, even if the company responsible has filed for bankruptcy. These funds provide victims with a streamlined and efficient process to seek compensation without going through lengthy and complex legal proceedings. Establishing a trust fund also helps to ensure that sufficient funds are available to compensate current and future victims of asbestos-related illness.

How the Mesothelioma Trust Works

The Mesothelioma Trust operates under specific guidelines and protocols established by the bankruptcy court. These funds are often created as part of a restructuring plan, with bankrupt companies contributing funds to trust funds. The trustee oversees the claims process and evaluates individual claims against predetermined criteria. Eligible claimants submit claims to the Trust, providing asbestos exposure documentation, medical records and other relevant information. The trustee reviews and evaluates each claim and determines the appropriate amount of compensation. Once approved, claimants will receive compensation from the trust fund.

Understanding the Importance of the Mesothelioma Trust Checklist

Understanding the Mesothelioma Trust Checklist is critical for individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma and their families. This checklist provides information on specific trusts established by bankrupt asbestos companies and the criteria for filing a claim. By consulting the list of trust funds, victims can identify relevant funds to seek compensation. It is important to note that each trust has its own specific requirements, so understanding the eligibility criteria and deadlines is critical to ensuring a successful claim.

Example of a Mesothelioma Trust

Bankrupt asbestos companies set up several prominent mesothelioma trusts, including:

  • Johns Manville Trust Established by Johns Manville Corporation, one of the largest manufacturers of asbestos.
  • Owens Corning Fiberboard Asbestos Personal Injury Trust Created by the Owens Corning Corporation to compensate victims of asbestos-related illnesses.
  • WR Grace & Co. Asbestos Personal Injury Trust Established by WR Grace & Co. to compensate individuals injured as a result of exposure to asbestos.
  • USG Asbestos Personal Injury Settlement Trust Established by USG Corporation to provide compensation to victims of asbestos-related illnesses.

Claim to Mesothelioma Trust

To make a claim with the Mesothelioma Trust, all relevant documentation must be gathered, including: medical records, employment history and proof of asbestos exposure. It is recommended to consult an experienced mesothelioma attorney who can guide you through the claims process and ensure that all required information is submitted accurately and in a timely manner. An attorney can help evaluate your eligibility for multiple trust funds and maximize your chances of receiving fair compensation.


The Mesothelioma Trust plays a key role in compensating victims of asbestos exposure and providing financial support for medical costs, lost wages and other damage. By understanding the Mesothelioma Trust checklist and claims process, individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma can more effectively navigate their compensation journey. Consultation with an experienced mesothelioma attorney is highly recommended as they can provide invaluable guidance and support throughout the claims process, increasing the likelihood of obtaining proper compensation from available trust funds.

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