Federal Holiday FAQ

Federal Holiday FAQ

Federal Holiday FAQ

Are federal holidays post office holidays?

The Federal Government’s Executive Branch includes the Postal Service. This implies that USPS must observe all federal holidays.

On MLK Day, Presidents Day, Columbus Day, and all other federal holidays, there will be no mail delivery and all post offices will be closed.

The day before New Year’s Day will be honored as a federal holiday if it falls on a Saturday. On January 1st, 2022, this will take place.

The preceding December will have a holiday on December 31st, 2021, and January will only have one holiday in that year. Because January 1st in 2023 falls on a Sunday, the holiday will fall on January 2.

June 10th  was made a federal holiday in what year?

In June 2021, Juneteenth was declared a federal holiday. The “Juneteenth National Independence Day Act,” which declared June 19th to be a federal holiday, was passed by Congress as part of America’s racial reckoning, which also included the dismantling of Confederate military statues and movements like Black Lives Matter.

The last African American slaves in the United States received their freedom notification on this day in 1865, which is commemorated by the holiday.

The day before New Year’s Day will be honored as a federal holiday if it falls on a Saturday. On January 1st, 2022, this will take place.

The preceding December will have a holiday on December 31st, 2021, and January will only have one holiday in that year. Because January 1st in 2023 falls on a Sunday, the holiday will fall on January 2.

Can government workers take paid time off during religious holidays?

Schedule changes for religious observances that call for absence from work during ordinary working hours are allowed for federal workers.

Jewish employees taking time off for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur or Muslim employees having time off for Eid Ul-Fitr are frequent examples of this.

An employee who misses work to observe a religious holiday must make it up or take personal leave. The employee could not be eligible for premium pay for the hours performed outside of the normal working schedule (for working on a weekend or overtime).

Employees must submit a formal request for a schedule modification. The schedule change must be for a religious holiday, and the request must specify when the time will be made up.

Unless the altered schedule will “interfere with the efficient achievement of the agency’s goal,” supervisors are obligated to grant religious leave.

Recall that federal holidays are not designed to be religious occasions. The only government holiday that is specifically associated with a religion is Christmas. Although there have previously been criticisms of this, modifications are unlikely.

On federal holidays, are workers paid?

Yes, paid time off is granted to federal workers who are routinely scheduled to report for duty on a holiday.

Employees who are deemed “important” and who are unable to take time off for a holiday will be paid more. Military soldiers are salaried and receive the same pay whether they work 365 or 210 days a year.

Do all federal workers have the day off on federal holidays?

On federal holidays, all non-essential personnel is off work. A position’s necessity is decided by the employee’s supervisor. Personnel who are necessary will be paid more during the holiday and will also get an extra day off from work.

Are federal holidays a day off for the armed forces?

The military’s schedule differs depending on the unit. Whether they have a federal or training holiday, soldiers should always check with their regional chain of command. Vacations are not promised. Military employees receive the same pay whether they work 365 or 210 days a year.

Before federal holidays, what is “early release”?

For reasons related to the weather, emergencies, or the days preceding holidays, supervisors may permit an early release or late opening.

Unlike federal holidays, early releases and late openings differ by locale and are not government- or agency-wide.

When are federal holidays observed?

Is the first day of office a federal holiday?

Federal workers who are routinely scheduled to work on January 20 and who are located in Washington, D.C., Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, Arlington County, Fairfax County, Arlington City or Fairfax City are entitled to paid administrative leave on January 20 (5 U.S.C. 6103(c)).

January 20th is the inauguration day every four years (2013, 2017, 2021, 2025, etc). Since January 20th, 2013 fell on a Sunday, no one was given a paid holiday.

After Thanksgiving, is there a federal holiday?

No, Black Friday, the day following Thanksgiving, is not a federal holiday. If a federal employee wants to be off work on the day following Thanksgiving, they must use accrued personal time.

The day following Thanksgiving, the New York Stock Exchange has a condensed trading day and closes at 1:30 pm instead of 4:00 pm as usual.

Do federal holidays exist on Good Friday?

No, Easter Monday and Good Friday are not official federal holidays. The majority of federal holidays are secular (other than Christmas Day). Reminder: Trading at the New York Stock Exchange is suspended on Good Friday.

Does Christmas Eve count as a federal holiday?

The president frequently issues an executive order granting federal employees paid administrative leave on the Monday before Christmas when it falls on a Tuesday (Christmas Eve). This was done on December 24, 2018, by President Trump.

In 2001 and 2007, President George W. Bush took these actions. In 2012, President Barack Obama followed suit.

President Obama granted government workers a day off on Friday, December 26, the day after Christmas in 2014 because Christmas fell on a Thursday.

President Trump has proclaimed December 24, 2020, as a federal holiday. In his speech, President Trump gave the impression that Christmas Eve was always a government holiday. This is not true. It was a holiday only for 2020.

Trump also appeared to be the first president to proclaim Christmas Eve a holiday in his remarks. Also false is this. Barack Obama and George W. Bush took the same action.

When a president passes away, is it a holiday?

When the president proclaims a National Day of Mourning, the majority of federal employees are off from work.

Since the 1950s, this has occurred each time a current or former president has passed away. Federal employees will enjoy paid time off on a National Day of Morning.

Although they must still work, essential personnel will also receive premium pay (x1.5) and a future day of administrative leave. A National Day of Morning also results in the Post Office being closed.

The living former presidents at the time this article was written were Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.

President George H.W. Bush was the most recent to pass away. He passed away on November 30, 2018, and December 5 was designated as a National Day of Mourning.

Monthly Federal Holidays

In January, what federal holidays are there?

In January, there are two federal holidays:

  • January 1st, New Year’s Day
  • Washington’s Birthday (the Third Monday of January)

Which statutory holidays fall in April?

In April, there are no federal holidays. Between Washington’s Birthday in February and Memorial Day at the end of May, there is the longest period without a government holiday. The time between holidays is a little over three months.

Which statutory holidays fall in October?

Columbus Day is the only official federal holiday in October. The second Monday in October, which comes between October 8 and October 14, is Columbus Day.

This day is dedicated to Christopher Columbus. This holiday is instead celebrated by Indigenous Peoples in several parts of the United States.

One of the two federal holidays that the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) does not close is Columbus Day.

Which statutory holidays fall in November?

In November, there are two federal holidays:

  • Memorial Day (November 11th)
  • Day of Thanksgiving (Fourth Thursday of November)

Which statutory holidays fall in December?

Christmas Day is the only federal holiday observed in December. Given that it is the only federal holiday with a religious component, it has generated controversy.

When January 1st (also known as New Year’s Day) falls on a Saturday, the holiday is commemorated the day before (December 31st). As a result, there will be two federal holidays in December 2021.

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