Explore Psychology Degrees Online

Explore Psychology Degrees Online

Explore Psychology Degrees Online

Learn about the various online psychology degrees available to you and the employment options your degree opens up.

A career in a sector that is expanding might be started by obtaining an online psychology degree. From 2021-31, psychology positions are expected to expand by 6%, which is in line with the average growth for all occupations, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

You have the freedom to continue juggling other commitments while pursuing an online psychology degree if you enroll in an online school.

To obtain a license, a psychologist must possess at least a graduate degree. Learn more about online psychology degrees, what to anticipate from them, and how to obtain credentials in this profitable field.

Commonly Asked Questions About Online Psychology Degrees

A psychology degree may be obtained online

Yes. A lot of institutions provide online psychology degrees. Although some graduate psychology programs provide online training, all of them demand on-site internships or practicum experiences. These are frequently finished by online students at locations in their local areas.

The best online psychology degree programs, which may also be hybrid programs, should be approved. Entirely online programs are not accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA).

Why is certification crucial for online psychology programs?

You need a degree from an approved university to become licensed to practice psychology. Candidates for psychology license examinations must have graduated from a recognized program. Employers frequently do not accept degrees from unaccredited universities, and credits obtained at such institutions do not transfer to accredited institutions.

Is a BA or BS in psychology better for me?

Similar psychological fundamental courses are available for both degrees. These core courses are frequently sought after for graduate psychology programs. The majority of graduate psychology schools demand a bachelor’s in psychology, while some may occasionally search particularly for a BA or BS.

While BA tracks place more of an emphasis on the liberal arts, bachelor of science degrees often involves more general education courses in the sciences.

What kind of jobs am I eligible for with a master’s in psychology?

Many states let persons with a master’s degree work in some areas, such as counseling and some psychotherapy positions, even though the majority of states require a doctoral degree in psychology to obtain a clinical license.

Some students might decide to go after a degree in educational psychology, which would allow them to work as school counselors in several states. A master’s degree rather than a Ph.D. is frequently required for careers in industrial and organizational psychology.

How much time is required to complete a psychology degree?

Which degree track you choose, whether you enroll full- or part-time, and the program requirements will all have an impact on this. For instance, obtaining a bachelor’s degree in psychology could take 3–4 years, and a Ph.D. could require an extra 6–8 years.

Which psychology degree offers the most financial rewards?

Greater degrees frequently result in higher income. According to Payscale statistics from July 2022, psychology bachelor’s degree holders make an average salary of $59,000, while master’s degree holders make an average salary of $61,000, and doctoral-level graduates make an average salary of $90,000.

These figures can change depending on experience, region, employer, and the practice environment.

  • Programs in Psychology Online Featured
  • Online Psychology Degree Types

At all academic levels, students can pursue degrees in psychology. To prepare students for clinical roles, each degree builds on the one that came before it.

Psychology Associate’s Degree

The completion of an associate’s degree in psychology takes between one and two years and 60 credits. These degrees are stepping stones to four-year degrees in the subject because they are mostly made up of general education courses.

Program duration: two years

Average Wage: $47,000

Psychology Bachelor’s Program

A psychology bachelor’s program needs roughly 120 credits or 60 credits more than an associate degree. These programs provide core psychology courses that prepare students for graduate school or some entry-level careers. Graduates who use this degree to join the workforce frequently choose to work in other sectors.

Program duration: four years

Average Wage: $59,000

Psychology Master’s Degree

It can take two to three years to finish a master’s degree in psychology. Graduates with this degree can work as industrial-organizational psychologists or as counselors in some states.

Program length: two to three years

Average Wage: $65,000

Psychology doctoral degree

To obtain a clinical license, the majority of states demand a psychology Ph.D. The minimum prerequisite for practice is the completion of this degree, which might take 4-6 years.

Program duration: 5-7 years

Average Pay: $90,000

Career options for psychology graduates

You can pursue a variety of potentially profitable occupations in psychology, depending on the degree path you choose. The field of psychology, which encompasses many of the subfields listed below, should see an increase in employment.

The range of career opportunities depends on one’s educational background, work history, and qualifications.

  • single marital and family therapist

These therapists use cognitive behavioral therapy, talk therapy, and other techniques to help couples and families resolve emotional and relationship-based problems.

Recommended Degree: Master’s Required Credentials: State license

  1. School and Career Counselor

These counselors serve in schools, helping students deal with academic, psychological, and career challenges. They collaborate with school administration and instructors to provide student support.

Recommended Degree: Master’s Required Credentials: State license; some states demand extra teaching license

  1. Social Worker

Social workers give critical help to families and children in need, linking them with accessing community resources. Those having a master’s degree sometimes give counseling services.

Recommended Degree: Master’s Required Credentials: State license 4 Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselor

These counselors work with individuals suffering from alcoholism, drug use, and other addiction and behavioral disorders. They often work at mental health and rehabilitation clinics.

Recommended Degree: Master’s; bachelor’s minimal requirement

Required Credentials: State license 5 Psychologist

General psychologists work with many different individuals, providing mental health counseling and behavioral therapy, and diagnosing and treating mental health issues.

Recommended Degree: Doctorate

Required Credentials: State license

What Psychology Degree Concentrations are Offered Online?

Psychology degree concentrations prepare students to work with a certain population or type of practice. Each of these concentrations as part of an online psychology study can lead to a career in that particular discipline of psychology.

While you require a degree to become a psychologist, you also can use applied knowledge of specific groups for other employment. For example, an emphasis in child psychology could prepare you to help design computer games for children, while a major in sports psychology could prepare you for a job as a young sports coach.

Child Psychology

Child psychology specializes in understanding the phases of childhood development and how to support children and their families in healthy psychological development. A degree in child psychology could help you work in children’s media or in organizations that benefit youth, such as childcare or youth sports.

Clinical Psychology

Clinical psychology focuses on diagnosing and treating specific psychological problems. This focus generally prepares students to earn a graduate degree in clinical psychology.

Counseling Psychology

Counseling psychology practitioners can diagnose certain problems. They allow patients to better understand themselves and overcome the challenges they are encountering. Other than going on to acquire a doctoral degree and become a counselor or psychologist, you may be able to use your learning as a coach, career advisor, or similar capacity.

Educational Psychology

Educational psychology is about studying how individuals learn and the best ways to design and execute educational programs. You could use this specialism as an adult learning designer or supplier, school administrator, or educational publisher.

Forensic Psychology

Forensic psychology focuses on psychology and the law. You could utilize this degree in law, the justice or penitentiary system, or in public policy and crime prevention.

Health Psychology

Health psychology pertains to how health issues affect psychological well-being. Some related jobs include physical therapy, hospital or healthcare administration, or public health promotion.

Industrial-Organizational Psychology

This discipline of psychology explores how individuals behave in organizations and how to optimize organizations to help people perform. You can apply this information in business and consultancy.

School Psychology

School psychology is related to educational psychology but also explores how to make schools and educational institutions work successfully and offer positive psychological results. You can utilize this degree in school administration or government.

Sports Psychology

Sports psychology employs psychology to improve sports performance and athletes’ psychological well-being. You can use this degree in young or adult sports coaching or computer game design.

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