Why do we eat Turkey at Thanksgiving?

Why do we eat Turkey at Thanksgiving?

Feasting on Tradition: Why Do We Eat Turkey at Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving, one of the most cherished American holidays, is synonymous with turkey. Each year, families across the United States gather around the table to enjoy a hearty Thanksgiving meal featuring this iconic bird. But have you ever wondered why turkey has become the centerpiece of this traditional feast? In this blog post, we’ll explore the historical, cultural, and practical reasons behind the enduring tradition of eating turkey on Thanksgiving.

1. Historical Roots:

The tradition of feasting and giving thanks during the harvest season predates the official Thanksgiving holiday. When European settlers, known as the Pilgrims, arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620, they forged relationships with the Wampanoag Native Americans. The Wampanoag taught the Pilgrims essential survival skills, including how to cultivate crops. In 1621, a successful harvest led to a three-day feast to celebrate the Pilgrims’ first year in the New World. Historical accounts suggest that wild turkey was one of the many dishes served during this meal.

2. Abundance and Affordability:

Turkeys are large birds that can feed a considerable number of people, making them an ideal choice for a feast where large extended families and communities gather. They are relatively affordable, making it practical for families of all backgrounds to enjoy a Thanksgiving turkey.

3. Presidential Influence:

The tradition of Thanksgiving was made official when President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed it a national holiday in 1863, during the American Civil War. It was a unifying gesture during a challenging time in American history. Since then, several U.S. presidents have celebrated Thanksgiving with a turkey pardon, sparing one lucky bird from becoming the centerpiece of a meal.

4. Seasonal Availability:

Turkeys are typically in season and at their prime in the fall, aligning perfectly with the timing of the Thanksgiving holiday. The autumnal harvest season offers an abundance of fresh vegetables and ingredients that complement a turkey dinner.

5. Cultural Icon:

Over time, the turkey has evolved into a cultural symbol of Thanksgiving. Its image appears on holiday cards, decorations, and in popular culture, further cementing its role as the quintessential Thanksgiving dish.

6. Delicious Versatility:

Turkeys are prized not only for their size but also for their delicious and versatile meat. Roasted, smoked, or deep-fried, a well-prepared turkey can be a culinary masterpiece. Leftovers are often used in sandwiches, soups, and various dishes, making it a practical choice for the holiday.


The tradition of eating turkey on Thanksgiving is deeply rooted in history, practicality, and cultural symbolism. It has become a unifying symbol of gratitude and a reminder of the importance of coming together with loved ones to celebrate the bounties of life. While modern Thanksgiving meals may include a variety of dishes, the turkey remains at the heart of this cherished holiday, a symbol of the gratitude and unity that define Thanksgiving for so many.

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